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Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 6:36 am
by Wizard
Here's my request.
UDay Cycle
-Add random weather system
-Fullscreen movie support
-More better killcam
-Pause menu using UGUI
-Better jetpack system
-Different Spirint speed with current gun
-More better AI(Also mecanim support?)
-Can set accuracy on inspector
-Different Crosshair size with each gun(And load crosshair size on bl_Gun accuracy setting)

Re: Requests/Add water and player swim system

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 3:46 pm
by Nomad
Add water and player swim system :
for us people that play games that have to swim from place to place to snipe from a island.
like in to this video!

can you come up with some thing like that like put a plane water in to the seen and make it a template target like 4024 x 4024 or many sizes for any map size need to have working water just like you did with the player template or the death template. As well you can edited the murk percentage and water color for dark water or any color you want to make it.

All the best